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Building Web Apps and Location based Services

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Location-based services: Taking Sports to the Next Level!

Hey there, fellow sports enthusiasts! You know what's cool in this digital age? Location-based services! That's right, it's not just for finding the nearest Starbucks anymore, sports leagues and teams are getting in on the action too. There are a number of great applications for LBS technology in Sports. We have implemented a number of really cool applications. One of our favorites was building and launching a league lookup and player boundary map Platform. This application automatically reviewed inbound player registrations reviewing either a home or school address and matching the player to a nearby league based on the leagues boundary map or the area they serviced for that level of play. The implementation used the latest in GIS tech (A spatial system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data) to ensure the players were registered with the correct league servicing that district.

The project involved a number of phases starting with a white boarding session to create the outline plan and expected user experience to a development & integrations phase, a current boundary map Import & augmentation/update phase and finally the web app test & launch phase.

Have an idea or project that you think would be a location based service candidate why not reach out to us and schedule a free consultation.

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